Sexual Health Dorset is now able to provide online booking for the following:
If your implant has been fitted outside of the United Kingdom please contact 0300 303 1948 to be booked into a specialist clinic.
If you are booking to have your implant removed and replaced with another implant, please be advised that any time in the 2 months before it’s expiry is the best time.
If you are wanting to have it replaced due to side effects such as bleeding, this is not always the best option and often does not help with bleeding patterns. Please call 0300 303 1948 to speak to one of the nursing team for their advice before booking.
This will be a telephone appointment to discuss the risks and benefits of having a coil fitted and to discuss your medical history and advice to ensure your health, wellbeing and safety. Please note you will receive a telephone call from one of our nurses from a withheld number within a ten-minute period either side of your allocated appointment time. If two calls are unanswered your appointment will be recorded as ‘Did Not Attend’ and you will need to make another appointment.
Please note National Guidelines now support that a 52mg LNG-IUD, most commonly known as a Mirena, can remain in place for 8 years it if is used for contraception only. If you are using it as part of HRT then it will still need to be changed at 5 years, but you will need to ask your GP for advice if you are using it for this reason as we are only able to offer the Mirena for contraception needs not HRT.
If online appointments are not available, please call the Phoneline:
Tel: 0300 303 1948
Phoneline open 08:15-16:45 Monday-Friday (closed 12:30-13:30 for lunch)
To make an appointment or for further advice, please call:
0300 303 1948
Phoneline open 08:15-16:45 Monday-Friday
(closed 12:30-13:30 for lunch)