
Support for sex workers

The Dorset Working Women's Project (DWWP) is a sex workers support project for women (including transgender women) working in the sex industry who live or work in the Bournemouth area.

We provide non-judgemental, free and confidential support for sex workers in all sectors of the sex industry.

The project offers a range of support to help people working in the sex industry including:

  • Information on safer sex, contraception, sexual health testing and safer drug use, including clean injecting equipment
  • Advice on personal safety, including Dodgy Punter information
  • Promotion of positive sexual health choices
  • Information and advice on HIV, Hep C, Hep B and sexually transmitted infections
  • Street Outreach on two evenings a week
  • Home support visits to Sex Workers
  • Transport to the sexual health service for sexual health check-ups, treatment and emotional support
  • A weekly drop-in session – a safe place for those involved in sex work to relax and chat, every Tuesday afternoon
  • A newsletter containing information on dodgy punters
  • Support to help people access other services
  • Referrals and support to access other organisations dealing with substance misuse, housing, welfare or legal issues
  • Agency or self-referral

For further information contact:

  • Pauline Smyth at or call 07973 235438
  • Beki Nightingall at or call 07917 267799
  • Suzanne Teale at or call 07824 537346


DWWP runs an assertive outreach two times per week on our specially equipped van to engage with on-street workers as well as doing selective home visits for those workers who have requested support.

On outreach we can provide food, harm minimisation supplies, support with incident reporting, general advice, and signposting. We also hand out essential items such as toiletries, hats, gloves, socks, umbrellas and hot drinks.

During outreach we can speak to sex workers about the latest information on any dodgy punters and take reports of any incidents and forward to the National Ugly Mug Scheme. We also signpost sex workers to our drop in after seeing them out on outreach.

Outreach operating times

Monday 20:00-23:00 - Wednesday 20:00-23:00


We offer a discreet one to one support service to those who are working off-street including at home, in flats and other venues. Our specialist off-street workers can arrange visits for anyone selling sex and working indoors with a wide range of support, from free condoms and lube, fast track to Sexual Health Screening, PrEP, BBV, harm minimisation, advice on online safety, advice and support on reporting, access to National Ugly Mugs Scheme.

Drop In

Drop in is a safe welcoming space for female/transgender sex workers. Offering a range of emotional and practical support and access to a range of partner services. Drop in run by female staff and offers a long-term trauma informed approach, tailored to each woman’s individual needs.

Drop In every Tuesday afternoon 13:00-15:00 at:

The Ferryman, New Quay Road, Poole, BH15 4AF

Drop in sessions - a safe place for you to come and relax, chat and join in activities if you choose.

DWWP is for all women who work, or have ever worked, in any area of the sex industry, and provides information, advice and support on all work-related issues.

To make an appointment or for further advice, please call:

0300 303 1948

Phoneline open 08:15-16:45 Monday-Friday

(closed 12:30-13:30 for lunch)