
Chat Sexual Health Dorset

13-24 years old? Live in Dorset?

Let's Chat Sexual Health Dorset!

Chat Sexual Health email banner updated.jpg

We help young people with all kinds of things, from emergency contraception and pregnancy to relationship worries and consent.

Click here to watch a video explaining how Chat Sexual Health Dorset works.

Confidential help and advice

We have launched a quick and easy way to speak to a health professional from the comfort of your own home.

Discreet and quick. It only takes one message to start making a difference. You'll get confidential advice from trained healthcare staff in the Dorset area.

Click the link below to start chatting or simply text the number below:

07312 263101

"Will you tell my parents?"

The service is completely confidential. We do not usually inform your parents or anyone else if you contact one of our Health Advisors. We might inform someone if we were concerned about your safety, but we would usually speak to you first. The privacy of our service users and the safety of their personal information is extremely important to us. Click here to read the service privacy notice for further information.

"How much does it cost?"

It's completely free! You can text as often as you like and will not be charged. Please note the service cannot accept picture messages.

"Can I text at any time?"

We are open Monday-Friday 8am-6pm. We do not operate over the weekend, however you can still text in. We aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate bounce-back to confirm we've received your text. Texts will not be seen outside of normal working hours.

"What about if it's urgent?"

If you need help before you hear back from us, contact your doctor or 111. In case of an emergency or you need urgent medical assistance, please call 999 immediately.

Please note Sexual Health Dorset will be closed on 25 and 26 December 2024 and 1 January 2025.

If you have an urgent enquiry when we are closed, please call NHS 111 or attend your local Emergency Department.

To view our opening hours over the holiday period, please click here.