Sexual Health Dorset has a wide range of sexual health and contraception services available across the county in our free clinics, and online.
Use our Service Finder to find a online or physical service convenient for you.
If you're unsure what service you need, or to make an appointment, you can call us on:
If you have symptoms you can access one of our two main hubs in Dorset to get a check-up and treatment, if needed:
Call us on 0300 303 1948 to book an appointment.
You can order a free online postal test sent to an address in Dorset of your choosing. The online postal test is for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV. Return the kit, and results are sent to you within 3 days.
Alternatively, if you'd prefer to go to clinic, use our Find a service tool or call us on 0300 303 1948.
PEP is a medication which can help prevent a HIV infection, if accessed quickly within 3 days of the risk. The earlier you access PEP the better.
Check out our information page on PEP, use our Find a service tool and search for 'PEP' services, or call us on 0300 303 1948.
Use our Find a service tool and search for clinics or pharmacies that offer Emergency Contraception.
Also read our Emergency Sexual Health page for more information on the different options available to you.
You can Order oral contraception online and save a trip to clinic. We offer both the combined and the progesterone only pill.
You can also look at the other options available to you on our Contraception pages, search for Contraception services on our Find a service tool or call us on 0300 303 1948.
Yes we do - please check out our Information for under 25s page for more details or call us on or call us on 0300 303 1948.
Dorset has a vibrant LGBT community, and you can access any of our services and be confident you'll get non-judgemental support from our friendly and knowledgeable staff.
We also have a dedicated LGBT service, Over the Rainbow, which offers a wide range of support services, including sexual health, HIV, and information and support.