
Resources & useful clinical links

Useful clinical links

HIV specific information

  • Aids map - Provides conference news, patient information leaflets, research updates, multilingual resources.
  • British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) - All STI investigation and management guidelines.
  • British HIV Association (BHIVA) - The latest management guidelines for HIV testing and treatment, management of pregnant women, opportunistic infections and TB/hepatitis co-infection.
  • Children's HIV Association - Children’s and parent’s HIV site with patient friendly sections on talking to young people about HIV and testing/disclosure.
  • HIV drug interactions - a website providing up to date HIV drug interactions with commonly used non HIV drugs. This is included in all our HIV patient letters; is downloadable onto desktop and easy to use.

Contraception and family planning

To make an appointment or for further advice, please call:

0300 303 1948

Phoneline open 08:15-16:45 Monday-Friday

(closed 12:30-13:30 for lunch)