
Pan Dorset C-Card scheme

The C-Card scheme was started in 2011 and is provided by the Dorset Sexual Health Service free of charge. The scheme provides free condoms and support for specialist services working with young people between the ages of 13-24 with the aim of reducing the transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections and the number of unintended teenage pregnancies.

Community settings:

  • Improve access to free condoms to target populations;
  • Allow a wider range of professionals to offer advice and information about sexual health and relationships;
  • Improve referral into sexual health and contraceptive services.

By becoming a member of the scheme, distributors can provide positive safer sex education. Condoms are more likely to be used if they are freely available; there is a variety of condoms to meet personal preferences.

Members of the scheme help to normalise condom use to populations who may be reluctant to use traditional services, and increase awareness and referral into mainstream sexual health services.

This scheme also supports the National Chlamydia Screening Programme. As part of the C-card scheme, distributors can stock chlamydia screening kits to encourage young people to have regular screening part of their sexual health.

All training is provided and includes information on sexual health; condom demonstrations; delay work with young people; Chlamydia Screening; an overview of the C-card programme and how to obtain supplies.

For a list of current venues that are part of the C-card scheme, go to our Find a Service tool and select 'C-Card Venues'.

If you are interested in becoming a C-Card distributor please contact the Sexual Health Outreach Team at

Please note Sexual Health Dorset will be closed on 25 and 26 December 2024 and 1 January 2025.

If you have an urgent enquiry when we are closed, please call NHS 111 or attend your local Emergency Department.

To view our opening hours over the holiday period, please click here.