

Contraception can help prevent an unplanned pregnancy. There are many different types of contraception and the Contraception Choices website provides honest information to help you in your decision.

Here at Sexual Health Dorset, we can help you find the right contraception for you, some can also help give control over your menstrual cycle. You can make an appointment and an appropriate trained member of staff will discuss all methods and help you make the right choice for you. Alternatively, you can access some types of contraception online through SH:24.

You can also access emergency contraception, or the ‘morning after pill’, from our clinics. On the Public Health Dorset website, you can find a list of pharmacies that offer emergency contraception, and contraceptive pills (both new and repeat) for free. They can see you without a prescription from your GP. However, this list may alter so we advise you to call the pharmacy ahead of your visit. You can also buy emergency contraception over the counter from certain pharmacies.

To make an appointment or for further advice, please call:

0300 303 1948

Phoneline open 08:15-16:45 Monday-Friday

(closed 12:30-13:30 for lunch)